Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I'm no whiner but
things here have taken a significant change for the worse, so it's been hard for me to express any positive feelings. Therefor, I have choosen to take the high ground and just keep my feelings to myself. I will be browsing if anyone needs me.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Turvey topsey
My calm, predictable life is upside down. H-mom decided my 3 oldest daughters Star, Penny and Cindy need to be weaned and so has seperated them from their moms. Normally, their moms would be moved out here to my pen, but instead she moved them into the breeding pen with, I can hardly type this, NATE. That's right, she moved him out of here and right into the breeding pen with Maggie and Stella!!! And to make matters worse, I'm still stuck with my sons because they were getting bucky. H-mom comes out and lets them with their moms several times a day to nurse, but that is hardly a respite from the unruly heathen boys because it takes about 15 sec to nurse and they are right back.
On the bright side, h-mom and pop ordered some Meat Maker tubs, which they apparently had where Stepper, Joy, Molly, Brigetta and Nate used to live. It's rather tasty, not that I need to add any more muscle to my fine physic, but then when I look at Nate, well like I said, it is tasty.
On the bright side, h-mom and pop ordered some Meat Maker tubs, which they apparently had where Stepper, Joy, Molly, Brigetta and Nate used to live. It's rather tasty, not that I need to add any more muscle to my fine physic, but then when I look at Nate, well like I said, it is tasty.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Joy, Molly, Stepper and Brigetta (and Nate)
I am so conflicted about the new additions. On the one hoof, 4 beautiful does sounds very good, but on the other hoof, another BUCK. To make matters worse, 2 of my 3 buck kids started getting bucky with the girls, which normally would make me proud considering they are only 10 weeks old, but right now I am preoccupied with Nate. He is only 8 months old, but quite a solid fellow, which means I need to be sure he understands there is only 1 top buck and that is me! After all, I'm 2 yrs old and have produced a bevy of gorgous kids. Unfortunately, Nate has ennoblements in his pedigree, whatever that means, but he states it with great pride and I don't even have a pedigree. I may not have a fancy pedigree, but I do have proven results and I know h-mom loves me, so I'm not worried. H-mom has put my boy kids in with me and only lets them out to nurse their respective moms a couple times a day, so the rest of the time I have the kids. It's not so easy to intimidate Nate with 3 little kids at my hoofs all the time, but I've never been afraid of a challenge.
Monday, April 21, 2008
H-mom and pop pulled up with 5 new goats in the trailer last night. As you can imagine, we were all excited to see the new arrivals so we all gathered by the fence to watch. Out came a very lovely lady, I don't know her name yet but hubba, hubba if you know what I mean. Then 3 more followed her out, all beautiful ladies. I was beside myself with joy and then the other shoe dropped. BOOM.
Out of the trailer strode a very proud looking buck, a BUCK, what is up with that! Am I not able to care for all the ladies? Of course I can! H-mom must have lost her mind. And to make matters worse, none of the new arrivals were put in the pasture with me, so I can only see them through the fence, not the best way to meet if you ask me.
So right now I'm a bit confused, but I trust my h-mom and I know everything will work out just fine. I'm sure h-pop will add the new arrivals to the website as soon as he has time
Out of the trailer strode a very proud looking buck, a BUCK, what is up with that! Am I not able to care for all the ladies? Of course I can! H-mom must have lost her mind. And to make matters worse, none of the new arrivals were put in the pasture with me, so I can only see them through the fence, not the best way to meet if you ask me.
So right now I'm a bit confused, but I trust my h-mom and I know everything will work out just fine. I'm sure h-pop will add the new arrivals to the website as soon as he has time
Thursday, April 17, 2008
wedding bells
H-mom and pop's son, Tony is getting married day after tomorrow, so I haven't heard anything first hand about the possible new does. Everything I overhear has been about flowers, arches, dresses etc. My ladies are still messing with my mind, each telling me something different, so I have given up on getting the truth out of them.
So in other news, H-pop and buddy Keith put up one roll of fencing in the new area and it took most of a day. I doubt anyone will work on it again until after the wedding. Poor h-mom is still in alot of pain from dumb Dudley and has been trying to do nothing in hopes she will heal faster.
Two of my daughters have been sold to Tracey in Ok. and will be picked up after they are weaned in May. Well, off to eat some delicious green stuff and make sure everyone is staying in line.
So in other news, H-pop and buddy Keith put up one roll of fencing in the new area and it took most of a day. I doubt anyone will work on it again until after the wedding. Poor h-mom is still in alot of pain from dumb Dudley and has been trying to do nothing in hopes she will heal faster.
Two of my daughters have been sold to Tracey in Ok. and will be picked up after they are weaned in May. Well, off to eat some delicious green stuff and make sure everyone is staying in line.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Dumb Dudley!!

Now he has done it. The other day, h-mom came out to P3 to visit and of course Dudley was sure she had come to see him so he hurrys over to where she is sitting and puts his big head on her chest. She starts petting him and I stroll over to find out why I'm stuck in P3. So h-mom is petting him and me which makes Dudley jealous (he is so insecure) and to get her attention back solely on him, he pushes on her with all his lard a$$ weight and I swear I heard something pop. At the same time h-mom squeals in pain, so of course I go push Dudley away and he's like, what did I do? So I never got to find out why I'm out here and h-pop is doing all the chores by himself. In fact, he is starting to put up the fence this morning, all by himself and h-mom is moving like a old lady. Dudley, can you say cabrito??
Thursday, April 10, 2008
A stormy night
Last night was miserable!
For whatever reason, only a human would know, h-mom put me Dudley, Studley, Stella and Star in P3 and everyone else in P1 and P2. I am NOT happy about this at all! For one thing, this will make it much more difficult to figure out what is going on, not to mention all those lovely ladies with no strong, virile buck to protect them. H-mom is usually so smart, I just don't get it.
Anyway, last night I was stuck with the above group of goats in the new shelter in a raging storm, not an ideal situation. At least Stella and Star were there to admire my bravery, but of course Dudley and Studley acted like it was no big deal. The tornado siren went off at about 3 A.M. and then went off 3 more times which is completely annoying, not to mention scary for the does and kids. There was lightening that turned the night into day, wild wind and intense rain. The good news is the shelter didn't blow away and I saw no tornados; humans always overreact.
I wish I knew why I am locked in P3 away from most of my does. I am hoping to get some answers from h-mom when I see her.
I haven't heard anything new about additions to the herd, but I'm keeping my ears open.
For whatever reason, only a human would know, h-mom put me Dudley, Studley, Stella and Star in P3 and everyone else in P1 and P2. I am NOT happy about this at all! For one thing, this will make it much more difficult to figure out what is going on, not to mention all those lovely ladies with no strong, virile buck to protect them. H-mom is usually so smart, I just don't get it.
Anyway, last night I was stuck with the above group of goats in the new shelter in a raging storm, not an ideal situation. At least Stella and Star were there to admire my bravery, but of course Dudley and Studley acted like it was no big deal. The tornado siren went off at about 3 A.M. and then went off 3 more times which is completely annoying, not to mention scary for the does and kids. There was lightening that turned the night into day, wild wind and intense rain. The good news is the shelter didn't blow away and I saw no tornados; humans always overreact.
I wish I knew why I am locked in P3 away from most of my does. I am hoping to get some answers from h-mom when I see her.
I haven't heard anything new about additions to the herd, but I'm keeping my ears open.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
new homes???

So yesterday h-mom and pop took off in the truck with the flat bed trailer, completely emtpy, bebind them and a few hours later they came rolling up with something called Port-A-Huts. I had never seen anything like them myself, but I admit I've led a pretty sheltered life. Anyway, these shiny, roundish things turn out to be goat shelters. So the humans unload them and put one in the area we call P3 and one in the pasture that still needs to be fenced. Hmm, I wonder if this sudden increase in housing has anything to do with the rumors that there may be a new doe or 2, perhaps even more in my near future? On that subject, I'm getting a bit nervous that the does are just having fun at my expense and are making up everything they tell me. Now Blondie, another of my does told me she heard a new doe is coming here and her name is Stepper. What is GOING on? That is the third different name of the "new" doe that is supposedly moving here an a few weeks. But, now that there is new housing, I'm starting to think maybe all 3 does are moving here! Now that would be sweet.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Now I'm getting a different story from Misha and I don't know who to believe. She says that she heard that we are getting a new goat also, but her name isn't Ms Molly, it's Brigetta. I gave Misha the third degree and she never waivered in her conviction that Stella was wrong and she was right. Who knows! It doesn't really matter what her name is anyway, as long as the part about her coming here to live are true.
Interestingly, h-pop hooked up the flatbed trailer to the truck yesterday and left it that way, so I assume it's going to be used for something today. Unfortunately, it is not a goat transporting kind of a trailer so I'm not expecting any new goats, but I can't help wondering what the humans up to with the trailer. Maybe to pick us up some delicious hay, hmmm that isn't likely at this time of the year. I'll have to ponder the question while I chew my cud.
Interestingly, h-pop hooked up the flatbed trailer to the truck yesterday and left it that way, so I assume it's going to be used for something today. Unfortunately, it is not a goat transporting kind of a trailer so I'm not expecting any new goats, but I can't help wondering what the humans up to with the trailer. Maybe to pick us up some delicious hay, hmmm that isn't likely at this time of the year. I'll have to ponder the question while I chew my cud.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
The H-mom and pop finally bought the fencing material and brought it home in the back of the truck. By the hairs of my chiny, chin, chin, the new fence isn't just a dream! But wait, those look like some big rolls of wire, I bet they're heavy. Now you'd think if I, a humble, tho magnificent goat would think of this the humans would, but apparently not. So the humans set off to drop the HUGE rolls of wire off the truck into the general vacinity they would be needed in in the pasture. It would have been funny, except my vision of a quick fencing job were fading before my eyes, but it took them several attempts just to get one roll off the truck, after which h-mom was rubbing her back and h-pop was talking about calling a friend up to come help. And this is just to unload the truck!
Stella, one of my favorite ladies let it slip that we are getting a new doe in a few weeks. Now that IS good news. Apparently she is 100% registered boer with a distinguished pedigree, which some bucks might find intimidating, but not me. I can't wait to meet her, I've heard she is very pretty traditional with a solid red momma. Her name is Miss Molly, good golly this is music to my ears.
Stella, one of my favorite ladies let it slip that we are getting a new doe in a few weeks. Now that IS good news. Apparently she is 100% registered boer with a distinguished pedigree, which some bucks might find intimidating, but not me. I can't wait to meet her, I've heard she is very pretty traditional with a solid red momma. Her name is Miss Molly, good golly this is music to my ears.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
what is going on?
Today h-mom put me, Dudley and Studley (what a name for a wether) out in the horse pasture. This is normally a treat because those silly horses don't eat blackberry leaves or weeds or briars, no they stick to grass day in and day out, leaving all sorts of delectable goodies for us. Of course, there was no way to spy on the humans and to make it worse, all the ladies and the kids were let in the back yard to eat an abundance of greenery. So that gave them an exquisite opportunity to do some evesdropping and when we all got put back up for dinner, they couldn't hide their smirks. So all evening it was whispering and giggling, but no doe will tell me anything! One of the buck kids told me he heard the humans talking about getting some new goats. What! New goats, that must mean some new ladies for me to romance. Woohoo! But wait, why would all the does be smirking about new does? Hmmm, I wish I felt more confident about my source, but let's face it, a 2 month old kid isn't a very reliable witness. I need to get more info, after I eat some hay.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
somethings in the air
Well, something is up, but the only thing for sure is no one knows what. None of us goats at least, not even Dudley although he'd like me to think otherwise. Human mom has been spending much more time than usual on the computer, making notes and mumbling to herself. Kali and Stella think it has to do with the wedding coming up. The humans son is getting married in 2 weeks and to a lovely girl if I may say, she scratches my head sometimes when she visits, but Blondie is sure she heard something about a trailer so that would not make sense. Good goats, I hate to be out of the loop!
I did hear that a young lady is interested in buying Penny, one of my beautiful daughters and is working hard to save her money to buy her so it looks like she'll be leaving in a couple of weeks.
Well, I shall be keeping my ears open and an eagle eye on the goings on with the humans and if they are really up to something interesting, I'll find out.
I did hear that a young lady is interested in buying Penny, one of my beautiful daughters and is working hard to save her money to buy her so it looks like she'll be leaving in a couple of weeks.
Well, I shall be keeping my ears open and an eagle eye on the goings on with the humans and if they are really up to something interesting, I'll find out.
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