It is almost too hot here to think! 103 in the shade, which is where everyone is today. I have cleared all of the old timers, myself included which really was just a formality since if Dudley or Stella had done it or even knew who'd done it, I'd have heard them bragging about it long before h-mom found the crime scene. My sidekick Terry and I determined the most likely suspects are the four most recent additions: Blessing, Genie, Dixie and Nina since prior to their arrivals the pumpkin plant had remained unmolested.
So I am investigating Genie first, for no particular reason other than I think she is cute and she is one of the four.
This is Genie, her name was Joy but h-mom had to change it because we already have a Joy.

Now to my experienced eye, she appears to have a guilty look on her face during questioning, but she ASSURED me she is innocent. Well, what did you think she was going to do, confess? No, my work is not to be that easy. I did find out that she is 2 yrs old and Blessing is her mom. The place they lived before they came here the h-mom and family had to move to the city and so had to sell all of their goats. She said she likes it here and of course she would never eat the pumpkin plant or pumpkins when no one was looking.
So Dixie is the next one on my list but she is so shy, and so is her friend Nina, that I sent Terry over to interview her. He is much less intimidating than a majestic buck like myself. Dixie would barely talk to Terry, but she did state she had nothing to do with the pumpkin caper.
So I haven't figured out who the perpetrator(s) is yet, but now my mind wanders to what reward would befit me for solving this crime. Perhaps a pumpkin of my own that I don't have to share with anyone. Yeah, and maybe a back scratch too. Hmmm, I better get back to interviews. Two down two to go.