Friday, December 26, 2008
The week that was
There has been much going on here in the past week or so, where to begin? Lets start with my mom, Maggie going into labor on Dec. 16. H-mom was with her and knew things weren't progressing normally and a few hours later h-mom and h-pop loaded her into the trailer and set off for the vet. A few hours later they returned with 3 new kids, 2 girls and a boy and a very tired Maggie. Maggie has 2 teats and there was always one of the girls getting edged out for milk so h-mom was keeping a close eye on them.
And then the very next day Blessing decided to kid. H-mom was with her and helped pull out the first kid that was in a breech position and then she kidded another, both boys. The smaller one couldn't stand after several hours and h-mom kept a close eye on him too.
Then the next day Genie kidded 1 boy, a very cute, big, healthy paint (my son). His name is Wilson and h-mom hasn't had to worry about him at all, but by now it was clear she needed to take one of the triplets and the one that still isn't standing from Blessing and bottle feed them.
H-mom put up a playpen for them in the den and moved them in. It's a lot of work to bottle raise kids, but the reward is a lot of sweet kisses.
Five days later Molly kidded with one big, beautiful, solid red doeling with a little white star on her head (my daughter) and her name is Holly. It was Molly's first time to kid and she is doing a great job.
The triplets names are Carly, Cory and Cassie.
Blessings twins are Alvin and Theodore.
Cory and Alvin are the house goats, man that looks like a pretty sweet deal. Almost makes me wish I could have been a bottle baby. If only I knew then what I know now.
Alvin has learned to stand and walk and can now go up and down the steps to the backyard and is growing well. He just needed a little time, encouragement and pysical therapy to get him up and going.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Lazy daze

But there are always a few that will seek the shade.
So anyway, a couple of nights ago coyotes were heard in the early morning hours. Now the humans say that their sound travels far, but it still made my hair stand up on the back of my neck. :o)
So the LGDs barked and barked and we didn't hear the coyotes anymore so I am beginning to appreciate their presence!
Well gotta go, there is a prime sunning area opening up.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Stella kidded

the showdown
Saturday, September 13, 2008
testing our limits

H-mom would patiently walk out here and take Sadie back to her area. I personally saw this happen 4 times yesterday and who knows how many other times she made the walk?
Then Nate and I got into a bit of a fight through the gate separating us. Of course, he started it with his cocky attitude and I had to stand up to him. The main casualty was the gate! We, I mean Nate bent the gate so badly the hinge broke, so here comes h-mom again first to get Nate and me in separate areas again, then to try and secure the broken gate until it can be replaced. With much creativity and some baling wire she got it standing again, but Nate got moved another pen away so we have no common fence line or gates to destroy.
And then there's little Star and her penchant for putting her head in places she can't get it back out of. This has been going on since Star's horns became big enough to get her stuck. H-mom has to go release her from a fence several times EVERY day. You'd think she'd learn, but between us, she isn't sharpest horn in the barn if you know what I mean. Well with everything else going on, h-mom's patience came to a screeching halt after releasing Star 3 times in one hour.

Friday, September 5, 2008
just some random thoughts

This hole goes on on and on. It's not like the shallow pits they dig to lay in the cool dirt, no this is more like a small but deep tunnel. I hope she orders some chow mein for me when she gets to China.
Stella is 2+ weeks from kidding which always makes h-mom excited. Me, not so much because it will be Nate's not mine. In the past Stella has always had huge, healthy, fast growing kids so it will be slightly interesting to see if she does the same with another buck.
So we are in two breeding groups right now but being ever the helpful soul, I did try to encourage Nate to take care of his buckly duties.
He was very interested in a very pretty girl that I was really hoping to breed, but alas she is in his group. He was analyzing her perfume to determine his next step and I was on the other side of the fence letting him know I am available if we can figure out how to climb the fence. Hmm, he wasn't really interested in that option and I'm not sure he was even listening to me.
What's that I smell, chow mein? Where is Sadie, hmm better go check. My work is never done.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
the green, green grass of home

losing the battle, so h-mom brought in the big guns.

Left is Storm, h-mom's horse and below is Magic, h-pop's horse. H-mom let them in the goat pens and even in her backyard to eat the ankle high grass and man did they like that! They took their job quite seriously as you can see...

Pony, h-sister's horse got them organized to provide even mowing. They "worked" tirelessly for 2 days and their bellies show it! We were happy to trade places and nibble the briers and wild berry bushes that the horses are kind enough to leave for us goats.