When the nights begin to cool down a bit many of us suddenly find soaking up the daytime sun irresistible . It is still very warm, but not quite as ruthless as a month or so ago.

Now this looks like Cinnamon is being lazy, but in fact she is only practicing her relaxation techniques and apparently she is pretty good at it because she stayed like that for a long time with only her tail swishing the occasional fly.

Nate found himself a slice of sunny ground to enjoy but look at the goof, he's shading himself with his shadow. Duh, but I digress.

Even our "protectors" were soaking in some rays.
But there are always a few that will seek the shade.
So anyway, a couple of nights ago coyotes were heard in the early morning hours. Now the humans say that their sound travels far, but it still made my hair stand up on the back of my neck. :o)
So the LGDs barked and barked and we didn't hear the coyotes anymore so I am beginning to appreciate their presence!
Well gotta go, there is a prime sunning area opening up.
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