I've often heard the saying "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" which clearly some goats take literally because they spend an inordinate time trying to get under, over or through the fence to check out the other side. For myself, I tend to think the sayings meaning is more figurative, in fact stating the simple fact that no one is ever happy with what they have and are always looking for something better. Exhibit one, above photo of
Studley hefting his 200lb plus body onto his two back legs just to reach a leaf. Now I think to myself, how good could it possibly taste? Is it better than ones within easy reach?
This is something worth pondering while lying in the shade and chewing my cud. I am thankful that I do not always crave that which is out of my reach.
H-mom has rearranged us again because she thinks I am picking on her "baby" Dudley. She never sees him egging me on, oh no, he is no dummy. He is an obnoxious spoiled 200lb. brat, but he is not dumb. So now I am with the 2 boy kids, Dudley and
Studley are in with Stella, Maggie and Nate, and all the other ladies are together. Of course Nate doesn't bother precious Dudley and he is so smug about the entire thing, but
that's ok. I am a very zen goat.
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