This wasn't completely unexpected because h-mom likes to let the "Spice" girls into that pen at night so they feel safe from the older does. This caused a bit of a logistic problem because breeding season is starting for Nate and that is the pen usually used for breeding. H-mom decided her backyard would have to substitute for the breeding pen and the pumpkin plant was growing on the fence between these two areas so the risk was high.
Enough about that, let me introduce the "Spice" girls. They joined our herd last Friday and are very nice looking ladies. They are all 8 months old and half sisters. They were FFA show goats and lived together without any other goats before they moved here, so it was a bit overwhelming for them to meet 12 other does, all older and bossier than them but they have adjusted well. As I mentioned before, they have a place by themselves at night until they get as bossy as the other does. :o)
The black and white one is Pepper, the tan and white in Cinnamon and the red and white is Spice.
They are very pretty and sweet and fit in well as far as being friendly with humans and enjoying a good back scratch, but they are still figuring out how to be in a larger herd. Just a matter a few weeks I bet, before they figure out how to assert themselves with other goats.
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