Now here they are separated because one of them, Dakota I think, (all dogs look the same to me) crawled up the gate and jumped over to the other pen to check on some goats and now they seem to be discussing the pros and cons of dividing to conquer or sticking together for this shift.
Danger, danger, Dakota to the rescue! Ok, I guess they do a bit more than just lie around "watching".
I am not sure how it will work out when the ladies start kidding. They can be a bit crazy about protecting their kids from everything. Hopefully by then they will know the LGDs are protectors too.
Anyway, back to me. It is time to start breeding and h-mom has given me a group of 5 ladies for now, but no one is in the mood for love. I don't know what is wrong with them, I mean I perfumed up real good and I've been singing my warbling song but their not seeming to appreciate my efforts. Maybe they are just a bit shy, after all the LGDs are always watching.
Whatever the reason, they are going to have to romance me when they get in the mood and I just might not be interested, well that's not true, but don't tell them!
1 comment:
LOL, good "watch" dogs!
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