Monday, March 31, 2008

I am sooo disappointed in the humans. Instead of putting up a new fence for us goats they mowed all weekend! Mowed, can you believe it, all that wonderfully sweet green weeds just cut down. Sometimes I do NOT understand humans. Just because we are expecting rain and the grass was up to my knees is no reason to become irrational.
Two of the horses are sold and being picked up today, weather permitting which is exciting because those beasts eat a TON of grass and the less there are here, the more green stuff for the goats. So bye-bye Mojo and so long Tate, hope you enjoy your new home, I know I will!
As far those humans, get your priorities straight! Hmm, maybe I could chew a wire on the mower or something. I'll have to give it some thought.

Friday, March 28, 2008


It's Friday again, which doesn't usually matter that much to me but I am hopeing the humans will get that new fence put up this weekend. I try to tell them not to worry about a fence because I'll keep everyone in line, but it falls on deaf ears. It's almost like they don't trust my leadership skills. Hmmp
All these kids are getting on my nerves and I want to start romancing their moms, but no one is interested in a love fest, so I must remain patient. I don't like to admit it, but it can be a bit of a blow to my self-esteem, so I am off for my daily affirmation.
I am handsome
I am strong
I am virile
Ok, I feel better, now I'm off to sample some fresh tender leaves.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Well, I must say the humans have really been hogging the computer, but I finally got a turn. Things are getting crowded around here with 9 kids born so far in 2008. Six of them are girls and welcome to stay as far as I'm concerned, but those three boys gotta go! There is only enough room here for one buck and that is ME.
The weather is nice and most importantly everything is getting green. Yummm
I heard human mom say she was going to breed Stella soon, since she had a single and never got thin. Woohoo! I know what that means, I actually get to breed her, h-mom just gets to pick the time. The bad news is h-mom is planning to wait until early fall to breed the rest of my lovely lady friends. I may have other plans, but don't tell her.
The humans are planning to goat fence 5 more acres for us to enjoy. I would like that, come on, more work and less talk. If they spent as much time fencing as they have been on the computer, I would be wandering in a new area already with all my ladies and kids. Oh well, what ya gonna do?