Monday, July 28, 2008

CSI - Joshua part 2

It is almost too hot here to think! 103 in the shade, which is where everyone is today. I have cleared all of the old timers, myself included which really was just a formality since if Dudley or Stella had done it or even knew who'd done it, I'd have heard them bragging about it long before h-mom found the crime scene. My sidekick Terry and I determined the most likely suspects are the four most recent additions: Blessing, Genie, Dixie and Nina since prior to their arrivals the pumpkin plant had remained unmolested.
So I am investigating Genie first, for no particular reason other than I think she is cute and she is one of the four.

This is Genie, her name was Joy but h-mom had to change it because we already have a Joy.

Now to my experienced eye, she appears to have a guilty look on her face during questioning, but she ASSURED me she is innocent. Well, what did you think she was going to do, confess? No, my work is not to be that easy. I did find out that she is 2 yrs old and Blessing is her mom. The place they lived before they came here the h-mom and family had to move to the city and so had to sell all of their goats. She said she likes it here and of course she would never eat the pumpkin plant or pumpkins when no one was looking.

So Dixie is the next one on my list but she is so shy, and so is her friend Nina, that I sent Terry over to interview her. He is much less intimidating than a majestic buck like myself. Dixie would barely talk to Terry, but she did state she had nothing to do with the pumpkin caper.

So I haven't figured out who the perpetrator(s) is yet, but now my mind wanders to what reward would befit me for solving this crime. Perhaps a pumpkin of my own that I don't have to share with anyone. Yeah, and maybe a back scratch too. Hmmm, I better get back to interviews. Two down two to go.

CSI Joshua

Well apparently h-mom overestimated somegoats aversion to pumpkin plants. It seems that when there are ripe pumpkins on the vine they become more tempting, who knew?

The first sign of trouble was several very suspicious bites taken out of leaves.

Then upon a closer inspection, it was noted that the pumpkins themselves had been violated.

But what goat would do such a thing? There is a long list of suspects.

I have decided to take on the burden of solving this mystery with my associate Terry. All great investigators have a sidekick and he has absolutely nothing better to do. First, I will check everygoats mouth to see if any tale-tell signs of evidence remain and hopefully narrow down the possibilities.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

wide load

Exciting stuff going on here, well at least exciting compared to day after day of dull, hot summer days! Yesterday, h-mom took off in the truck with the horse trailer behind. The odd thing was, she didn't put any horses in the trailer. Hmmm, my curiosity was piqued. Using my incredible sense of deduction I decided she was going to PICK up something. Please, no more bucks!!!

Later when h-mom returned I was way down in the pasture nibbling on this and that so I didn't see the grand "unload", but pretty soon I had an idea something was up.

My mom, Maggie is the undisputed herd leader, well she was until yesterday. I could hear the sounds of heads and horns butting and it was pretty loud. I decided to wander up to see who was going at it when I saw the biggest doe I've ever seen, locked in a serious dominance dance with my mom. I just stood there with my mouth open, heck I think my beard was on the ground. Just then h-mom intervened and separated the amazon and my mom. They then proceeded to continue the battle through the fence and the fence was getting the worst of it. H-mom got them apart to decrease the tension and then I noticed another doe. This one normal size, thank god! Being ever wise, h-mom put the 2 new ladies in with me and the other boys, knowing none of us are going to exert as much energy to show the new ones whose in charge here. Don't tell my mom, but I think she will be dropping to number 2 very soon.

So I got to meet the ladies and the large one is very pregnant. Her name is Blessing and the other is her daughter and her name is Joy. This causes some concern because we already have a Joy. Blessing is 7 yrs old, which is the oldest goat on the ranch and Joy is 2. H-mom wasn't sure if Joy was pregnant or not so I checked her out and determined indeed she is. SO it's not as exciting for me as it could be, but I know my time is coming. In fact, I may defer Blessing to Nate when the time comes, she is a bit intimidating. Blessing is due next month and by the looks of her she is going to have a litter.