Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stella kidded

Stella kidded today with one girl that looks very much like her. She doesn't have a name yet but she is hanging with her mom and big sister.
She weighs 11lbs 2oz and is the smallest kid Stella has ever had. I know she is glad to be done because she was really getting miserable the last few days.

Hello world.

Momma love.

Finally found the good stuff!

I love you momma!

Hey, I'm taller if I straighten out my legs.

This looks like a safe spot to hide.

Life is good!

Another safe delivery at Happy Goats Ranch.


Anonymous said...

that baby is sooooooo cute!!! i wanna come see her!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Stella and everyone there! I've been checking in since you mentioned the 23rd on TGS. Precious that she looks like Mom.